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 [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD

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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 8:54 am

THIS IS FROM AntiSTANDable: http://antistandable.forumotion.com/t689-pics-antis-refuse-to-believe-anything-positive-about-snsd#4648

This article on Soshified http://soshified.com/2011/12/saved-from-silence-how-girls-generation-helped-me-to-hear-again
got antis attention.
and this is what they said
[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD 381066_2495574262806_1056306410_32124583_1977400186_n

(Diefani defended herself(the girl who began to gain hearing back because of SNSD) Her response makes them look really silly.)

This news was from "Nate" http://soshified.com/2011/12/girls-generation-greets-rookies-with-ninety-degree-bows
because it was positive news, antis assumed allkpop posted it because
they are sones, to make people like them which isn't true at all.

[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD 387893_2495524661566_1056306410_32124553_1933149372_n
pfft~ SNSD aren't perfect, and I completely understand that. There
are times when the girls are grumpy, sad, mad, defensive etc. If I can
accept that, why can't they accept that SNSD does have good in them?

Allkpop isn't SNSD biased, they just report any news regarding kpop.
Please don't blame their fanclub for their actions.
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:26 am

why you speak English like that?
I don't speak English,are you vietnamese???
can you speak vietnamese?ok?
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:28 am

I am not Vietnamese, I don't speak Vietnamese, I cannot speak Vietnamese. I am a foreigner here but I am a one sone so I am here ^^
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:29 am

oh , they just only jealous , who care
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:31 am

I am sorry I don't speak Vietnamese T_T

yeah I don't know why some antis act like that. SNSD is still very popular anyway, They act really mean towards sones and So nyuh Shi dae but then they say S9 is disrespectful? :/
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Thế giới chỉ dành cho SONEs & SOSHI
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:46 am

They're just jealous with SONEs and SNSD
We SONEs just do what we're always do, protecting and supporting them :)
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:52 am

Stands will never change..

For bad ELFs, they think Soshi are nothing without LSM or P.S

For bad BJs, they think their idols are the best *smirk*

Spazzing about the MTV IGGY award like crazily.. and if Soshi achieve anything.. well

1st thing appears on their mind would be: " ok, SM bought that for them" then *smirk* or " I don't care about that award..It's unreliable"

LOL, get used to that So-won =))


Garbage thing can do harm on us
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:54 am

^ Yeah that's what they do. But I say whatever, SNSD is still advancing in the industry, S9 will continue to go VERY far.
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 9:56 am

We don't care !!! LOL

SONEs don't care anthing from bad Elfs...bla..bla. and support for Soshi ^^
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty22/12/2011, 1:44 pm

I do not understand what you're talking about SNSD, you can explain to me about what you're referring to is not? [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD 2431258001
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty23/12/2011, 10:59 pm

I care.


Because their stupid and fully jealous statements make me laugh=))

Stands refuse all archivements that Soshi has gained.

They are very conservative.
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Mãi mãi trung thành với SNSD
Mãi mãi trung thành với SNSD

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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty23/12/2011, 11:17 pm

Let just ignore it??? That's is very useless news which i try to avoid those bad comment about SNSd. Instead of spending out time to care about stupid thing, we watch their show and always beside them. That's what i do when i face with bad Elf. Thanks for letting us know.
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD   [ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD Empty24/12/2011, 12:17 am

mik k hiểu gì hết.s1 có thể dịch ra k?
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[ANTI AFS] Antis refuse to believe anything positive about SNSD
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